Materials for courses I have taught.
Probabilistic Artificial Intelligence
I wrote the lecture notes covering probabilistic machine learning (probabilistic inference, Bayesian linear regression, Gaussian processes, variational inference, MCMC, Bayesian deep learning) and sequential decision-making (active learning, Bayesian optimization, MDPs, reinforcement learning). Additionally, I designed homeworks, held tutorial classes, and designed exam questions.
Teaching Assistant: fall 2022-2024
Introduction to Machine Learning
I headed the exam design of ETH’s largest class with ~1000 students.
Teaching Assistant: spring 2024-2025
Advanced Graph Algorithms and Optimization
I held tutorial classes and wrote a summary of parts of the lecture notes.
Teaching Assistant: spring 2023
Algorithms and Probability
I held a weekly tutorial class and graded homeworks.
Teaching Assistant: spring 2022
Discrete Probability Theory
I held weekly tutorial classes and teached a 5-day revision course covering discrete and continuous probability spaces, random variables, inductive statistics, and Markov chains.
Teaching Assistant: summer 2020, summer 2021
Theory of Computation
I held a weekly tutorial class and graded homeworks.
Teaching Assistant: summer 2021
Functional Programming and Verification
I held a weekly tutorial class and teached a 4-day revision course covering basics of Haskell, proofs of correctness by structural/computation induction and abstraction functions, I/O and monads, evaluation order.
Teaching Assistant: winter 2019, winter 2020